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  • ...Fleischmann, Monika and Christian Bohn and Wolfgang Strauss. Liquid Views In Arte Virtual, edited by Rafael Lozano-HemmerMadrid, ESP: Electa Edition, 1994.
  • ...Heeter, Carrie. Being There: The Subjective Experience of Presence Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (Fall 1992).
  • Avatar -
    ...otos are overlaps of avatars (images used in chat everyone chooses to represent themselves) of people i met chatting. I’ve chosen the virtual world of chat as a meeting place par excellence of contemporary, where everyone can put on fleeting identities, in “low...
  • ... The project Mirror Cells raises the question how this relates to computer games, in which gamers identify with their virtual selves to the degree that they speak of their own deaths when the game ends involuntarily. What is it like to be immersed...
  • ...Michael Bielicky participate presenting projects that experiment with navigation, video-communication, virtual reality and data visualization technologies, often developed in collaboration with ZKM Karlsruhe, Ars Electronica Linz, High Tech Center Berlin-Babelsberg...
  • ... made out of rubber in front of them. The viewer can then proceed to push into the rubber and change and distort their image. Virtual and real existence are visible at the same time and correlate with one another, while Weibel also questions our perception of...
  • Molecular Clinic 1.0 -
    ... is a type of molecular laboratory for their computer. What they will see on the web site after this initial download is a virtual space containing a three dimensional computer generated Spider and Monolith object. The user will be able to navigate through...
  • ...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing In Arte Virtual - Doce propuestas de Arte Reactivo, edited by Rafael Lozano-HemmerMadrid: Electa Edition, 1994.
  • ... of imagination, is a concern that can be traced far back in art history. Currently, it is mainly the latest technologies of virtual reality that provide access to alternative realities. However, which aspects are crucial for young artists today, in order to...
  • ...Ascott, Roy. Technoetic Aesthetics: Art and the Construction of Reality In Arte Virtual Realidad Plural, : 1997.