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  • In its 2006 Gallery, the journal Nature chose an image that spatially lays out different areas of science in a plane. It is a reduction of a large-format (42" x 43") paper print. The map was constructed by sorting roughly 800,000 scientific papers
  • Rigid Waves - video
    In Rigid Waves, the acoustic mirroring of Narcissus and Echo is transformed into a visual form. Approaching the mirror, the viewer is confronted with a reflection that does not correspond to normal perception. Only an illusionary visual echo of
  • Home Transnfer -
    HOME TRANSFER is a net-art web project that explores the intersection of home, architecture and new technologies. A dwelling made of bread and its parasitic invasion is used to investigate changing notions of place and presence. Host/Guest
  • Sometimes Always / Sometimes Never / Sometimes discusses the visual horizons of nomadic culture and its entropic and saturated environments. Its point of departure is that nowadays life is seen through windows and screens and each moment appears as
  • Two Women -
    "Two Women" consisted of one computer station, two light boxes (58.4 x 60.3 x 20.3 cm), and two boxes (95.25 x 71.1 x 30.5 cm) each with three images revolving in response either to a timing device located in the computer or to user key-press at the
  • How are you? -
    “How are you?” is a question that seems so simple as it is understood in the West, since it is no more than an introduction to language or a sign of recognition. We do not really answer. In Russia, you do not ask the question unless you want a full
  • The festival takes place every two years in major venues in contemporary creation and new technologies. Our first editions were carried out in Spain (2007-2012) at venues like the Reina Sofía National Museum in Madrid and Center for Contemporary
  • Layers of Visibility -
    Between 2013 and 2017, a series of artists associated with the University of Plymouth, UK, responded to Cyprus through residencies at Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre. The works included in the exhibition and publication indicate a range of different
  • 2000-6 Untitled PLACE: Japan PARTICIPANTS: Christa Sommerer, Director of the Art and Technology Project, ATR Research Laboratories, Science City; Masamichi Tosa; Nobumichi Tosa, brothers and founders of Maywa Denki, a musical group whose innovations
  • Pure Land AR employs iPad screens that visitors use as mobile viewing devices to explore the magnificent Buddhist wall paintings inside Cave 220, a cave dated to early Tang, from the Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang in Gansu province, China. It is an