Archive Search

  • ... these two spheres. How do we perceive our presence... turning them, in Cirio’s words, into “a digital shadow... vanish quickly, but its documentation will remain...
  • Mediaflow - video
    ... the viewer. They include titles, authors and keywords.... streams of images and words run along the projection... authors and keywords. Documents in the database are...
  • Breathless
    ... searches for all words, related to the concept "of...
  • ... over ten years before, showing a little girl playing in a... as its centre. In other words, the depicted world is the...
  • ... and exemplarily convey how complex contents can be... the Internet. In other words, the Internet contents are...
  • ... Paley approached making a map of science... Since the scattered words are pulled toward the...
  • ... circular nodes) based on how often the papers were cited... Labels list common words unique to each paradigm....
  • down Jones
    ... such a virus, precisely how does it work, and what are... of any e-mail. In other words, if my provider installed... able to "open" and read documents correctly during daily...
  • Heliotrope -
    ... input from the user. However, unlike a computer game,... myth of the outsider, makes great use of the heliotrope... of the sun. As if his words, whatever they may be... to follow the sun. Documentation of Heliotrope on...
  • ... States. In Steve Deitz's words: "Netomatheque" is an...