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  • Harwood started out as an artist during the 1980s. He was involved with publishing initiatives such as the Working Press (books by and about working class culture); Underground newspaper (a London-based free newspaper aimed at promoting and
  • Legrady, George. Modular Structure and Image/ Sequences: Comics and Interactive Media In Comics Culture: Analytical and Theoretical Approaches to Comics, edited by A. Magnussen and H.-C. Christianesen, 79-90. Copenhagen: Tusculanum Press, 2000.
  • Alcalá Mellado, José Ramón and Javier Ariza. Explorando el Laberinto; Creación e investigación en torno a la gráfica digital a comienzos del siglo 21. Col. Caleidoscopio 5, Cuenca, Spain: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 2005.
  • Haptic Opposition -
    Haptic Opposition is centered around a mechanically movable text display driven both by human beings and machine control. Different modes of force feedback interaction are embedded, as machine on its own, following the human movements, or opposing
  • Plan-it! -
    PLAN-it! - a multisensory experience --- in cooperation with Herbert Lachmayer and Mathias Fuchs --- The Mind Zone [architects: Office Zaha Hadid] in the Millennium Dome at Greenwich was designed to be a synthesis of contemporary architecture, art,
  • Dreamlogs -
    “You can only command language by obeying it” (G. Perec & M.Bénabou, P.A.L.F. project, OuLiPo 1964) Dreamlogs are an idea association engine. They propose another way to surf on the Internet, by disentangling the discourses that have interlaced
  • To Touch
    It seems that a simple wooden table is the only object in a smoothly lighted room. To touch - to finger, to contact, to handle. The common museum traditions, meaning that the viewer is a viewer from distance, are turned around. The art pieces starts
  • Video: In this excerpt, Orf engages the speed and power of the aircraft, a weapon of mass destruction in the 21st century, singing: swing low, sweet chariot coming for to carry me home, evoking the extremist allure of the afterlife. (source:
  • Drake Street is a street in Rochdale. It is much like many other streets in other towns across Britain. It is also unique. Drake Street is not the main shopping street of Rochdale and is therefore not populated by shops from the major national and
  • Coleoptera - video
    Coleoptera Learning computer coding concepts for children (age 4 to 10) Developed for the Centre Pompidou, Paris © 2018-2019, Laurent MIGNONNEAU & Christa SOMMERER Coleoptera is an application that enables the creation of computer animated insects