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  • Room for Manoeuvre -
    ... is no longer hung up on its former technophobia, while at the same...
  • COLAB Art and Architecture, Bangalore Two-person show with Christoph Schäfer, who lives and works in Hamburg, Germany. Not long ago, architectural modernism presented the glass facade as equivalent to participation and empathy with the
  • Swarm
    Interactive installation showing the motion of a swarm of agents over a 2D or 3D lattice. The project is focussed on the connections dynamically created by the agents with their neighbours in a game of attraction, separation, alignment, obstacle
  • PLACEHOLDER was a virtual environment project designed by Brenda Laurel and Rachel Strickland and produced by Brenda Laurel. Placeholder was a two-person fully interactive virtual-reality system, utilizing stereoscopic head-mounted displays,
  • Logo.Hallucination -
    Artworks Logo.Hallucination November, 2006 Is the economic dynamics of the collective hallucination leading us towards a privatization of the glance? Logo.Hallucination continuously monitors the images circulating on the Internet looking
  • Human Browser -
    ... is a series of Wi-Fi performances based on a Google Hack, where...
  • The six video segments in Jordan Crandall's installation Heatseeking were shot with a diverse array of technologies, including surveillance apparatuses used by the U.S. Border Patrol to search out and capture illegal immigrants crossing over
  • Senspectra -
    ... modular sensor network platform, its primary application derives...
  • wi-fi sm -
    ... It automatically detects the information from approximately 4,500 news...
  • Glume -
    ... and investigation of organic forms and processes not possible with...