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  • Simó, Águeda. El Universo Cognitivo del Yo y sus Posibles Interpretaciones, la Narrativa de la Mente y sus Interfaces In La Imagen Pensativa, vídeo-ensayo y Práctica Artística en el Estado Español, edited by Pedro Ortuño, 277-304. Spain:
  • Bedlam
    BedlamArtist: Simon PennyComment:
  • Tin Roof is an advanced sound installation about eavesdropping, space, and sound, exhibited in the Muczarnok Budapest, Amsterdam and other places. (
  • click here to read the code >click here to launch the project >Java Applet
  • Blowup
    Blowup is an interactive performance environment, designed for choreographed performances and public interaction. The work consists of a large video projection in which video imagery of the performers/viewers is manipulated in real-time. The
  • reRead
    reReadArtist: Simon BiggsComment:
  • Utter
    a voice recognition and generative grammar interactive installation and performance artwork Source: Simon Biggs
  • Oracle
    a voice recognition and interpretive grammar interactive performance artwork Source: Simon Biggs
  • Polymorph
    Polymorph is an interactive immersive environment for two or more interactors. A single structurally complex three dimensional agent is created through the presence and interaction of two or more interactors within the environment. Source: Simon
  • Brower, Joke and Arjen Mulder, ed. Information Is Alive. Rotterdam, NL: V2_Publishing, 2003.