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  • Event: Distributeur Automatique d’émotionsInstitution: Bouillants FestivalComment:
  • Pulse -
    Together the two projects, "p-Soup" and "Pulse", offer an experience of the special saturation and hue of monitor colours in varying combinations and continuous movement. The automation of image production is a fascinating dream born out of the
  • The US-American Keneth Goldberg is a Professor of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR), with a joint appointment in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), and in the School of Information at the University of
  • ... its devices and technologies, the...
  • Event: Distributeur automatique d’émotionsInstitution: Espace Paul RicardComment:
  • Petit Mal -
    Although much work has been done in the field of screen-based interactive art, the mode of interaction in these works is confined by the very existence of image material on a screen, the so called "graphical user interface". I am particularly
  • Terrain 01 -
    A metal ring with 3-meter diameter is placed on the floor, and thirty to forty 20cm long insect like robots are moving in there. The robots start moving when activated as the solar sensors on their backs detect larger quantity of light. The robots
  • RGB VW -
    This work was conceived in relation to a particular location, a disused automobile factory in Karlsruhe. Such a space is clearly significative of industrial culture. But we are now shifting towards a more immaterial fascination - the media
  • Extruder -
    The automobile is a fascinating machine. Since its inception the automobile has driven us faster and faster into the future. Carving out the modern world, it has done brilliantly, reproducing itself by the multi-millions. Along the way it has