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  • Ryszard W. Kluszczyński, 2011: "Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss undertook their joint, creative actions in combined fields of art and science in late 1980s. (...) We can say that the art of Fleischmann and Strauss has developed in parallel
  • Turing, Alan. Computing Machinery and Intelligence Mind 59, no. 236 (1950): 433-460.
  • Dr Paul Thomas, is Professor of Fine Arts at, UNSW Art and Design, UNSW Sydney. Thomas initiated and is the co-chair of the Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference series since 2010. In 2000 Paul instigated and was the founding Director of the Biennale
  • Jaroslav Vančát, Ph.D. New media artist – multimedia art, digital art, computer art, interactive art, visual structuralism, conceptual art, video art Associate Professor at universities in the Czech Republic, new media, visual arts and creativity
  • Bill, Max. Die mathematische Denkweise in der Kunst unserer Zeit. : 1949.
  • Shannon, Claude Elwood and Warren Weaver. The Mathematical Theory of Communication. Champaign, IL: University of Ilinois Press, Urbana III, 1949.
  • Paul DeMarinis has been working as an electronic composer since 1971 and has created numerous performance works, sound and computer installations and interactive electronic inventions. He has taught computer, video and audio art at Mills College,
  • Christina Kubisch was born in Bremen in 1948. She studied music, painting and electronics. Performances and concerts until 1980, subsequently sound installations, sound sculptures and work with ultraviolet light. Numerous grants and awards, such as
  • Leonel Moura is a pioneer in the application of robotics and artificial intelligence in art. In 2001 he created the first robot arm able to generate unique paintings operate by an ‘ant algorithm’. In 2003 a swarm of ‘Painting Robots’ were able to
  • Wiener, Norbert. Cybernetics, or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. New York: Wiley and Sons, 1948.