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  • GASPARETTO, Débora Aita (Org.), ed. Arte-ciência-tecnologia: o sistema da arte em perspectiva. Vol.1. 1, 1 th ed.Silveira Martins: Editora Lab Piloto, 2014.
  • bug[lab]02 -
    The installation gathers a group of 10 robotic dogs in which some punctual and random bugs emerge (this is almost a pleonasm) in order to ironically illustrate the potential consequences of some functional problems in the system. It consists of
  • Kitzmantel, Silvia. Mitten in der Digitalen Evolution Oberösterreichische Nachrichten (August 30th 1996).
  • Machado, Arlindo and Silvia Laurenitz and Fernando Iazzetta. Panorama de Arte e Tecnologia do Brasil
  • Eiblmayr, Silvia. Die Topographie des Untergrunds In topographie II: Untergrund- Videoinstallationen in der Wiener U-Bahn, edited by Wiener FestwochenVienna: 1991.
  • Eiblmayr, Silvia. Die Topographie des Untergrunds In topographie II: Untergrund- Videoinstallationen in der Wiener U-Bahn, edited by Wiener FestwochenVienna: 1991.
  • Albuquerque, Beatriz. Performance + Internet = Comunicação + Audiencia In Internet y Performance, Negociaciones entre Cuerpo, Virtualidad y Telepresencia, edited by Silvio GarciaBuenos Aires: Ediciones Al Margen, 2011.
  • Event: SilvrettAtelier Montafon 2012 - Silvrettadorf, Bielerhöhe Pass (Vorarlberg) (AT)Institution: SilvrettAtelier MontafonComment:
  • SilvrettAtelier 2012 -
    Event: SilvrettAtelier 2012Institution: Kunst Palais LiechtensteinComment:
  • SilvrettAtelier 2012 -
    Event: SilvrettAtelier 2012Institution: Kunst Palais LiechtensteinComment: