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  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Urbano cíbrido: átimos calmos em comunicação ubíqua e móvel por conexões transparentes II Simpósio da ABCiber (2008).
  • ” … Il semble que l’être volant dépasse l’atmosphère même où il vole. ” *** (It seems that the flying being exceeds even the atmosphere where he flies.) -Nuit Bleue- is the first ‘logbook’ of the TRAVELOG series : An assemblage of travels, of
  • Adamer, Ingrid. Transparenz, Interview Dr. Ingrid Adamer mit Gudrun Bielz.. Feldkirch: Palais Liechtenstein, 1993.
  • Transparenz -
    Event: TransparenzInstitution: Kunst Palais LiechtensteinComment:
  • Transparenz -
    Event: TransparenzInstitution: Kunstverein HallComment:
  • Transparenz -
    Event: TransparenzInstitution: Kunstverein HallComment:
  • The Blue Station -
    Conceived in collaboration with the French architect Jean Nouvel , won the co m petition to create Paris 's first interactive subway station in the heart of Paris . Funded by the RATP (Parisian Transport Company) this unique project is meant to be a
  • Stage performance with three dancers and sixty plastic boxes as scenographic objects, video mapping surfaces, and sound and light sources. Analogy between geopolitics and children's games. Internet found-footage combining images of Syrian refugee
  • Transporting Skies -
    Transporting SkiesArtist: Susan CollinsComment:
  • Event: Transposition: Motion is Action - An International Media Art ExhibitionInstitution: National Art Museum of ChinaComment: