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  • Born in Mascara, Algeria in March 1957, from a father killed before his birth in the Algerian independence war. He moved to France in 1958, following his mother and his brother, to live in popular suburbs in north Paris where the family stayed
  • Born in Adelaide, Australia in 1957, new media artist Simon Biggs emerged as one of a small number of Australian artists during the 1970’s who were experimenting with electronic and digital media. With initial influences from diverse sources, such
  • Janet Cardiff was born in Brussels, Ontario in 1957. She began her formal art studies at Queen's University, where she earned her bachelor's degree in 1980. In 1983, she earned a master's degree in Visual Arts from the University of Alberta. During
  • Tamiko Thiel is a media artist interested in the interplay of place, space, the body and cultural memory. She has done pioneering work in developing the dramatic and poetic capabilities of various forms of virtual and augmented reality as media for
  • Bachelard, Gaston. La poetique de l´espace. Paris: Collection: Bibliothéque de philosophie contemporaine, 1957.
  • Philip Beesley is a professor in the School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo. A practitioner of architecture and digital media art, he was educated in visual art at Queen’s University, in technology at Humber College, and in
  • Bill Seaman is a media artist and professor. He holds a Ph.D. from CAiiA, the Centre For Advanced Inquiry into the Interactive Arts a Master of Science in Visual Studies degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and a BFA at the
  • Rejane Spitz is an Associate Professor and the Head of the Department of Art & Design at PUC-Rio University, Brazil. She was a Post-Doctoral researcher at CADRE-Laboratory for New Media /San Jose State University (California, USA) in 2003, and a
  • Lives in Stockholm Video, Performances, Electronic Music, Installations and audiovisuelle Rooms
  • Ashby, William Ross. Design for an Intelligence Amplifier In Automata Studies, edited by Claude Shannon and J. Mc Carthy, 215 - 234. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1956.