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  • ... became member of the literary movement...
  • Greenhouse Converter -
    ... the water fleas away and to give the algae... and people. Water from a fountain, enriched... and oxygen from the carbon dioxide. The...
  • ... artistic and theoretical work. In art...
  • ... has worked on the photogram and belongs...
  • Transarchitectures -
    Architectures réactives de la communication Le virtuel c'est le réel avant qu'il ne passe à l'acte. Un non-espace non-matière. Il prend forme en s'actualisant. L'architecture du virtuel c'est à la fois l'architecture de l'information et
  • Duende Diagram -
    ...A cartographic map of the different flows that...
  • ... an artist during the 1980s. He was involved...
  • ...ton is an artist, writer and theoretician. He is...
  • ...Scholar/artist. Topics: Theories of the digital,...
  • ... on art and media theories