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  • Nature? -
    ... artistic purposes. Such changes were achieved by...
  • L
    vintage fax on white paper, transmitted to and exhibited in the show"City Portrait", Gallerie Donguy, Paris, 1990.
  • vintage fax on white paper, set of nine 8.5"x11" (21.6 x 27.9 cm) sheets, 1990. Transmitted to and exhibited in the show"City Portrait", Gallerie Donguy, Paris, 1990.
  • Razzmatazz
    Transmitted to Museo Internacional de Electrografia, Cuenca, Spain, 1993, and exhibited in Muestra Internacional de Fax Art, Facultad de Bellas Artes, Cuenca, Spain, 1993.
  • Event: Lagoglyph messages transmitted towards the Lepus ConstellationInstitution: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)Comment:
  • Media Bombs -
    From a master missile installed in the center of space, 36 Media Bombs drop out. A crystal TV is embedded in each of the bombs, and the monitors broadcast programs of stock information from all over the world. The programs, each broadcast from a
  • Harewood -
    In June 2008 a webcam was installed overlooking Harewood House’s classical ‘Capability’ Brown landscape. The webcam is transmitting and recording images at the rate of a pixel a second so that a whole image represents the previous 21.33 hours. Each
  • Event: Déchiffrage et chiffrage de la création codée: 30 ans de pratique à risque dans le champ du numériqueInstitution: Videoconferences, ArtComTec, TransnumeriquesComment:
  • Deleage, Jean-Rémi. Premiers pas dans la transparence Sciences et Avenir 591 (May 1996): 82.
  • Habeas Corpus is a permanent large scale publicly sited immersive interactive installation composed of two parts. The first part is encountered on entering the subterranean area of the Allen and Overy building in the City of London. As the viewer