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  • John Tonkin is a Sydney based new media artist. After studying science and then playing with photography, experimental film and animation, he began making computer animation in 1985. Tonkin develops his own software in programming languages such as
  • Pedro Alves da Veiga is a Portuguese transdisciplinary artist and researcher. He holds a degree in Computer Science (Nova University of Lisbon), a Post-graduation in Advanced Studies of Digital Media Art (Aberta University) and a PhD in Digital
  • Günther, Gotthard. Das Bewußtsein der Maschinen. Eine Metaphysik der Kybernetik. Krefeld: Agis Verlag, 1963.
  • Giselle Beiguelman is a media artist and Professor at the School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo (FAU-USP). Her work include interventions in public spaces, networked projects and mobile art applications, exhibited
  • Sylvia Eckermann In Sylvia Eckermann's work, a discursive engagement with form and media culminates in critical artistic reflections about our entanglement as individuals in current socio-economic situations. Eckermann works with various media
  • Brian Mackern (Uruguay) is a new media artist, developer and designer of digital and hybrid net based art projects since 1995. Musician, composer and developer of autogenerative and reactive sound visual structures and environments. His art practice
  • A New York City native, Matthew Ostrowski is a composer, performer, and installation artist. Using digital tools and formalist techniques to engage with quotidian materials -- sonic, physical, and cultural -- Ostrowski explores the liminal space
  • Fuller, R. Buckminster. Education Automation. Carbondale, Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1962.
  • George, Frank Honywill. The Brain as a Computer. Oxford-London-Paris-Frankfurt: Pergamon Press, 1962.
  • ... (IEOR), with a joint appointment in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science...