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  • Synaptic Caguamas -
    Synaptic Caguamas is a kinetic sculpture consisting of a motorized Mexican “cantina” bar table with 30 “Caguama”-sized beer bottles (1-litre each). The bottles spin on the table with patterns generated by cellular automata algorithms that simulate
  • make-A-move -
    "make-A-move," is an interactive installation involving two encased flat screens, digital animation, and physical computing. Two automated portraits - a female and a male subject photographed by the artist - react to the movements of passersby.
  • Feed -
    FEED consumes the web. A play on the technical term "data feed", FEED does not supply information, it consumes information, reducing structure, meaning and content to a stream of text and pixels. An anti-browser, FEED unravels the web. Contemplative
  • Robotics Research: A common task in automated manufacturing processes is to orient parts prior to assembly. We consider sensorless orientation of a polygonal part by a sequence of fences. We show that any polygonal part can be oriented by a sequence
  • "make-A-move" is a site-specific, responsive, screen-based installation involving two encased flat screens, digital animation, software design, and physical interaction. Two automated portraits - a female and a male subject photographed by the
  • Terrapattern is a tool for exploring the unmapped and the unmappable: a system for finding ?"more like this, please" in satellite photos. It can also be described as "a visual search engine for satellite imagery", "similar-image search for satellite
  • Lastwishes -
    Only through two narrow slots white endless paper slides through abrown box, at least every ten minutes a message appears:"No communication on this channel", date and time. Listening but not talking and if talking then only once. that way
  • For more than 10 years, Matt Mullican has been continuously developing a sign system which is, on the one hand, a product of his imagination, and on the other, taken directly from everyday life. Signs as they can be found in airports, train
  • Pathway A
    Pathway Series. 29" by 23", 2000. Algorithmic pen and ink drawing on paper with 2 gold leaf elements. In this work the "all-over" distributions are linear random walks with numerous iterations. The text-like inscription is an
  • Metroscopes -
    Liverpool city has formalised sibling relationships with a number of other cities around the globe. These arrangements respond to similarities of culture, architecture or commerce and provide a sense of perspective, of a commonality that both