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  • W E L C O M E T O M Y B R A I N The human brain has hitherto been considered a static organ with a fixed set of neurons that are being used up without ever being replaced again. Now research is discovering that the brain is an extremely dynamic
  • SHORT BIO Jon Thomson (b. 1969) and Alison Craighead (b. 1971) are artists living and working in London. They make artworks and installations for galleries, online and sometimes outdoors. Much of their recent work looks at live networks like the
  • Festival for Art, Technology and Society. “Hybrid – living in paradox” was the theme of this year’s Ars Electronica, the festival that annually makes Linz the international center of media art. More than 450 top-name artists, scientists and
  • ... states of quantum...
  • Blast Theory is renowned internationally as one of the most adventurous artists' groups using interactive media. Lead by Matt Adams, Ju Row Farr and Nick Tandavanitj the group has a team of seven and is based in London. The group's work explores
  • Brill, Louis M.. Looking Glass Playgrounds Hit the Entertainment Bullseye Virtual Reality World (Nov. - Dec. 1993): 41-48.
  • Fischer, Robert. Dinos, Boxer und Gummimensch. Die Ars Electronica ´94 Computer World 29, no. 94 (July 1994).
  • Grau, Oliver. Our Digital Culture Threatened by Loss The World Financial Review (2014): 40-42.
  • Emotion in Space seeks to re-imagine ways in which global real- time datasets can give us a unique perspective on the understanding of world motion through emotional currents emanating from 3200 different cities. Part of the Mechanics of Emotions
  • Cylinder & Bots -
    Within their artistic work Giulia Bowinkel (*1983) and Friedemann Banz (*1980) explore the human perception of the digitally augmented real world. Within their generated scenarios, the computer functions both as tool and topic. The solo exhibition