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  • ...Marina Gržinić is a philosopher, theoretician, and artist based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Since 2003, she has served as Full Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, Austria. Gržinić does innovative work in practice research, she is a collaborative video artist,...
  • ... der Ecole des Beaux Arts studierte. Erste Einzelausstellung 1968 in der Daniel Templon Gallery, Paris. Beeinflusst von der Theorie Max Benses und dem Komponisten Pierre Barbaud, entwickelte er 1969 seine ersten computergenerierten Zeichnungen. Ab 1972...
  • ...Weibel, Peter. Erzählte Theorie - Multiple Projektion und neue Narration in der Videokunst der 90er Jahre In Video Cult/ures. Multimediale Installationen der 90er Jahre, edited by Ursula Frohne, 25-37. Karlsruhe, DE: ZKM Karlsruhe, 1999.
  • Molecular Clinic 1.0 -
    ...Molecular Clinic 1.0 is an art project realized through a collaboration between Seiko Mikami and ARTLAB. The "installation" is unique in that it only resides in the World Wide Web and has no material presence at all. To participate in this project users will go to...
  • ...Lintermann, Bernd. Time Lapses - Ein Motion Capture Projekt von Bernd Lintermann und Nik Haffner In Tanz Theorie Text, edited by Gabriele Klein and Christa Zipprich, 523-532. Münster, Hamburg, London: Lit Verlag, 2002.
  • ... hyperlight, in essence it creates an unstable sonic aurora. Developed in collaboration with numerous physics research labs the 'observatory', a transparent gas-filled chamber, converts sound waves into visible light by employing a phenomenon known as...
  • Relazioni Emergenti -
    ...It is an environment of artificial life where the individuals, represented by graphics filaments, are endowed with own intelligence and character. They can interact, exchange information and reproduce. Through the mechanisms of genetic mutations, the population evolves...
  • ...Uncle Roy All Around You is a game played online in a virtual city and on the streets of an actual city. Online Players and Street Players collaborate to find Uncle Roy's office before being invited to make a year long commitment to a total stranger. The city...
  • I like Frank -
    ...In March 2004 Blast Theory premiered the world's first 3G mixed reality game, I Like Frank in Adelaide, at the Adelaide Fringe. I Like Frank took place online at and on the streets using 3G phones. Players in the real city chatted with...
  • Kidnap -
    ... hours. Selected finalists were chosen at random and put under surveillance. Following this initial phase of observation of the short-listed candidates, Blast Theory selected two ‘winners’ at random. On a chosen date, the performers then abducted their...