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  • Arnheim, Rudolf. The Coming and Going of Images Leonardo 33, no. 3 (2000): 167-168.
  • Algorithmic Visualizations" consists of images created directly from mathematical equations that have their origins in image processing algorithms used to enhance or analyze digitized images. This approach consists of rule-based processes that
  • Unexpected Growth -
    Perturbations in the natural order have torn the fabric of the space-time continuum, and unexpected growths are seeping into our world - perhaps from our own future. Augmented reality apps transform our mobile devices into "ARscopes;" allowing us to
  • Tür - video
    Interactive computer video installation University of Applied Arts Vienna (AT) Behind the computer-animated door is the "direct video transmission" of what is happening outside, the place where the viewer is coming from. At the same time, the window
  • France Cadet (Artist / Robotic Teacher), born in 1971, is a French Artist whose work raises questions about various aspects in science debates: danger of possible accidents, observation of animal and human behaviour, artificialisation of life, side
  • The Search Drive (2014) is a video work in which some of the same software programs utilized by the NSA to spy on Americans and foreign nationals, residing in America and abroad, are used by an autonomous agent to search through the web for personal
  • escritor y comisario crítico de arte volcado en la difusión y promoción del arte público y las artes digitales writer and art critic consultant devoted to spreading and promotion of public and digital art
  • Artist-philosopher, Hervé Fischer graduated from the école Normale Supérieure (rue d'Ulm, Paris). For many years he taught sociology of communication and culture at the Sorbonne. He obtained its MBA in philosophy and PhD. in sociology. A multi-media
  • BIOS 4 -
    DEFINITIONS AND TOOLS Artbiotics - beyond the contemporary: art, biology and environment in the 21st century. Artbiotics is an open interactive and semantic plataform dedicated to biotech and enviromental art. Artbiotics is a work in progress.
  • Featured this month: ARS MEMORIA: ART, IDENTITY AND LOCATIONAL MEMORY Curated by Dr Shaun Wilson This exhibition presents artwork that incorporates issues of identity by using the image as a mode of articulating, and from this coming to terms