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  • An Ascent
  • Uncontrolled Hermetic -
    Uncontrolled Hermetic featured a single life-size human figure 'bagged' in a bunny suit made of felt. The figure stood outside a clean room, which housed a Victorian drawing machine that makes self-generated drawings apparently without
  • Home Transfer -
    HOME TRANSFER looks at the relationship between home, architecture and new technologies. The interactive and participatory ‘net-art’ work unfolds via a menu composed of three 'chapters': Guest, Host, and Parasite. The work explores changing notions
  • by Mandeep Raikhy / gati dance Delhi, India Based on the notion of lived experience of architecture in Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space, ‘Inhabited Geometry’ is an ensemble piece that aims to define, architecturally and imaginarily, the idea
  • Vanessa Vozzo is a media artist and professor. She has been working in art since 1990. Specializing in media art from 2005, particularly in the field of art and science/hybrid art and interactive/open documentary. She uses interactive, immersive and
  • Mirrors of the Unseen -
    Site specific ceiling drawing Regional hospital Hohenems (A), competition The work 'Mirrors of the Unseen' for the regional hospital Hohenems deals with technically generated images, with questions of translatability and the interpretation of
  • The Unframed World -
    In Virtual Reality the viewer overcomes the limited surface of a computer screen. Instead of looking through a window, the viewer exits real surroundings to become part of another world. The Unframed World is the first comprehensive presentation of
  • Monogram
    August 22, 1997 (Kennedy Space Center, Florida)— A Jet Propulsion Laboratory technician inserts the DVD containing Kac's Monogram and many other files into a shallow cavity between two pieces of aluminum that protected it from micrometeoroid
  • The biopoem "Erratum I" is what Kac calls a "biotope", that is, a living work that changes in response to internal metabolism and environmental conditions, including temperature, relative humidity, airflow, and light levels in the exhibition space.
  • Look at This -
    The exhibition LOOK AT THIS invites visitors to reflect critically on the multitude of links between a work of art, the public, the space and the institution. At the same time, the show questions firmly established (western) perceptions. LOOK AT