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  • The installation comprises two environments. The first one is darker with light directed towards the inert enlarged photographic images on the wall of the room which is cut in the center by four metallic columns with luminous screens where six video
  • The augmented reality installation "Carnation Rain" creates a space of remembrance in the Largo do Carmo square, Lisbon. On April 25th, 1974, Largo do Carmo was the site of the outbreak of the "Carnation Revolution" in Portugal. To commemorate this
  • Christophe Bruno lives and works in Paris. He began his artistic activity in September 2001. His polymorphic work (installations, performances, conceptual pieces…) has a critical take on network phenomena and globalisation in the field of language
  • Disappearance #1, #2 -
    Light installation The unintentional glances of observers are one of the key factors in the artist's work with light sticks. For the exhibition Strom des Vergessens, terms related to the topic “remembering/forgetting” appeared briefly in the space
  • Responsive audiovisual installation where visitors playfully stack, as if pieces of a giant interactive puzzle, plastic bins that act as symbols of containers transiting world markets. Video-mapping projections react to the new sculptural
  • The Google Adwords Happening: how a global happening on Google unveiled the Generalized Semantic Capitalism. “At the beginning of April, a debate took place on mailing list, about how to earn money with net art. It suggested to me an
  • The Tables Turned is preceded by Telematic Dreaming from 1992 and Telematic Vision from 1993. This installation is a continuation of the telematic theme placed within another social context. Dreaming used the bed, Vision used the sofa and The Tables
  • Relazioni Emergenti -
    It is an environment of artificial life where the individuals, represented by graphics filaments, are endowed with own intelligence and character. They can interact, exchange information and reproduce. Through the mechanisms of genetic mutations,
  • db -
    Ikeda's sound installation in an anechoic chamber is intended to quite physically explode the senses. Using the highest and lowest frequencies that human ears can bear, db is a hyper-dense composition of sine waves, white noise and other elements,
  • Time and Time again -
    Time&Time Again extends media navigation to a site-specific context with both web- and body-based interfaces. A distributed interactive installation, the piece was commissioned by the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum in Duisburg, Germany, as part of its