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  • Mesch, Claudia. Art and Politics: A Small History of Art for Social Change Since 1945. London: Tauris, 2013.
  • Guasch, Anna María. El arte del siglo XX en sus exposiciones: 1945-1995. Barcelona, Spain: Ediciones del Serbal, 1997.
  • Warren, Lynne and Jeff Abell, ed. Art in Chicago: 1945-1995. New York, N.Y.: Thames & Hudson, 1996.
  • Warren, Lynne and Jeff Abell, ed. Art in Chicago: 1945-1995. New York, N.Y.: Thames & Hudson, 1996.
  • There Is No Business -
    TITLE: There is no business ARTIST: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer WORK DATE: 2009 CATEGORY: Installations MATERIALS: Installation néon, métal, timer / neon installation, metal, timer EDITION/SET OF: 1/6 SIZE: h: 60 x w: 60 x d: 8 cm / h: 23.6
  • Warren, Lynne and Jeff Abell, ed. Art in Chicago: 1945-1995. New York, N.Y.: Thames & Hudson, 1996.
  • Event: Art in Chicago 1945-1995Institution: Museum of Contemporary Art ChicagoComment:
  • Event: Art in Chicago 1945-1995Institution: Museum of Contemporary Art ChicagoComment:
  • A tomb made of cardboard packing boxes. Inside, a primate-lab cage and a mechanism. That moves a computer controlled monkey's paw and a light source that slowly draw the face of Jim Pomeroy (1946-1992) in phosphorescent pigment.
  • Fields of Origin NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibition, I -NODE of Planetary Collegium 2015 By Lila Moore Novel forms and ideas arise unexpectedly from unknown or previously unsuspected origin. Being new and full of mysterious possibilities, they