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  • Trucold -
    ... able film in such low light. The video is filled with digital artefacts as the camera struggles with the conditions: pixellation,...
  • ...igel Helyer (a.k.a. Dr Sonique) is an Australian based Sculptor and Sound Artist with an international reputation for his large-scale sonic...
  • ... des Performers vom eigenen Körper ablenkt auf technische Artefakte. In einigen Experimenten wird gezeigt, was passiert, wenn der...
  • ... software in co-production with V2 Lab, Brigit Lichtenegger, Artem Baguinsky, Marloes de Valk production: CITU, V2, Ars...
  • ... the realisation of this piece possible: In Collaboration with ARTEM (Acronyme d’Arts, Technologie, Management) and CIRTES, ...
  • ...Event: Fusion Critique, espace, matière, distance, mémoireInstitution: ArteM, L’Autre CanalComment:
  • ... placed somewhere, soon to be forgotten. In the obscurity of arterial roads and shaggy groves characters of bronze or stone wait to...
  • ...Sonja Bäumel lives and works in Vienna and Amsterdam. Her artefacts mediate between art and science, fashion and science, design and science,...
  • ...//////////fur//// develops art entertainment interfaces for multidimensional multiuser involvement: software-programs in mechatronic artefacts...
  • ...Simon Schiessl is an engineer and artist. Trained in physics and engineering in Munich and Berlin, he designs and fabricates interactive media...