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  • ... Hiroshi’s research focuses upon the design of seamless interfaces between humans, digital information, and the physical...
  • ... on the design, development, and evaluation of intuitive user interfaces and input modalities enabling a more natural and...
  • ...Deering, Michael F.. Explorations of Display Interfaces for Virtual Reality VR 1993 (1993): 141-147.
  • ...Penny, Simon. TechnoUtopian Rhetorics and the Ossification of Interfaces ArtLink 16, no. 2+3 (1997).
  • ... to Embodying the Virtual In Tangibles Bits: Towards Seamless Interfaces between People, Bits and Atoms, edited by Hiroshi Ishii...
  • ...Poissant, Louise, ed. Esthétique des arts médiatiques: Interfaces et Sensorialité. Saint-Etienne: Publications de l´Université de Saint-Etienne,...
  • ... and scenographies, for which it develops its own software and interfaces. Its four members (Manuel Abendroth, Jerome Decock,...
  • ... implications of media technology and human computer interfaces. His interactive installations and artworks, including...
  • ...Bureaud, Annick. Typologie des interfaces artistiques In Esthétique des Arts Médiatiques. Interfaces et sensorialité, edited by Louise...
  • ...Huang, Jeffrey. Inhabitable Interfaces In Digital Media: Transformations in Human Communication, edited by P. Messaris and L. HumphreyNew York:...