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  • Organizer: Sandrine Amiel, Parlement européen, Direction générale de la Communication Bureau en France, Paris Special thanks to Adrienne Éva Burányi, Director of Institute Liszt, Paris, Emma Bornai, Attachée culturelle of Institute Liszt, Paris, and
  • The Future of Reality -
    In The Future of Reality, we ourselves become avatars and intelligent agents within these hybrid media systems, looking back at ourselves and our histories, gazing into uncertain mirrors, and looking ahead to increasingly seamless, incursive,
  • Electric Dreams -
    Electric Dreams will bring together an international network of more than 70 artists working between the 1950s and the dawn of the internet age.Liquid Views 1992, an interactive installation by Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss, will invite
  • NOPE
    Event: NOPEInstitution: Stadtwerkstatt LinzComment:
  • Penny, Simon. Virtual Bodybuilding In Virtual Zone Anthology, edited by Tapio Mäkelä and Minna VaisanenTurku: Turun yliopiston ylioppilaskunta, 1992.
  • AME: Art After Museum -
    ... the spectator is not the maker of the work, but merely its... can observe the outsider events. They benefit from the...
  • The Fox -
    ... where one decision maker’s gain (or loss) does not...
  • ... Closely related to this, however, is also the idea of a... post-surrealistic film maker Alejandro Jodorowsky and a... Alexander Mühlauer go even further by holding that...
  • ... The golden plover, shown in the poster, according to a... betrayed their master-maker and manipulated their...
  • Human Flesh Line -
    ... It’s is very interesting how, unlike ours, the artificial... Video-makers frequently use a tool called vectorscope to measure...