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  • NetSpace -
    Exhibition of the artist's work "Recombinant Icon" as part of this international group exhibition on artists' creative work with software. Curated by Elena Giulia Rossi. (source:
  • Exhibition of 20 Micro Arts Group prints, including generative art from Geoff Davis and Martin Rootes, and a story generator by Geoff Davis. The print magazine was also shown, which had the first ever view of Quantel art, by French artist Michèle
  • Red Carpet Showroom -
    Event: Red Carpet ShowroomInstitution: Red Carpet Showroom KarlsplatzComment:
  • The spatial musical instrument is constructed of old mobile phones donated by people and a MIDI keyboard. Listen the recording of the performance in Estonian Concert Hall. The musician plays the keyboard and the phones ring composing a concert of
  • On translation -
    ... to binary-code, just to retranslate it...
  • Wind Map
    An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future. The wind map shows the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US. Fernanda Viégas and I created the
  • Altick, Richard. The Shows of London: A Panoramic History of Exhibitions 1600-1862. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press, 1978.
  • Graphic Jam -
    "Graphic Jam" is painting program with which many users can paint simultaneously - without knowing each other and without communicating. It's an attack on the ingenious artist, who is working and creating alone. (source:
  • Anderson, Isabel. The Etcher's Byte: The Piety of the Print; The Pixelation of the Panoptic in Four Southern California Shows VISIONS Art Quarterly (Spring 1994).