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  • Water e-Motion: Transformative Views, paper and online presentation by Lila Moore
  • Transformator -
    Event: TransformatorInstitution: Transformator AssociationComment:
  • L'homme transformé -
    Event: L'homme transforméInstitution: La Villette Cité des Sciences et de l'IndustrieComment:
  • Event: L'Homme Transformé Institution: Cité des Sciences et de l'IndustrieComment:
  • L'homme transforme -
    Event: L'homme transformeInstitution: Cité des Sciences et de l'IndustrieComment:
  • L’Homme Transformé -
    Event: L’Homme TransforméInstitution: Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, ParisComment:
  • //**Code_UP -
    //**Code_me_UP investigates the role of the code in the meaning construction and the forms of visibility mediated by mobile communication devices. In the exhibition space, the audience can capture pictures with cell phones with camera and send
  • in cooperation with Peter Szely (Sound) --- The inside skin of a space station is enveloped in large size projections. The space station is not comprised of inflexible, rigid material - it is not hardware but wetware - it is a breathing, living
  • The Blackest Spot was a five-projector room-sized interactive installation that explored the representation of crowds and the myriad reasons for public gatherings. Animated imagery, ambient crowd sounds, and fragments from well known speeches
  • sandbox -
    driessens & verstappen sandbox, 2009 Wood, lacquer, metal, fans, sand, electronics, 245 x 122 x 176 cm Supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Ámsterdam Acknowledgements: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Architecture and Design,