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  • ... Robert Gast and Alexander Mühlauer go even further by holding that Google has...
  • Autobiography -
    ... as fragmentary conveyors of information. Eventually, I found my metaphor for the...
  • ... to the room and audience. That world eventually cedes to entropy, disintegrating from...
  • ... a "creative conversation" between people even if they did not speak the same language. The...
  • ... the main body of Eve Clone, and eventually it is integrated again with Vitruvian...
  • ... human country’s authority and system will eventually be destroyed by God. The image of the...
  • ... others, the concept of distance does not even apply as an element for their comprehension....
  • .. The wide spectrum of his research projects includes: media archaeology of Latin America, 3D-modelling of Photogrammetry technology and data-translation into digital media ..
  • ... cognition and everyday practices and events plays a vital role in his artistic...
  • Artpool