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  • "This project unfolded around an anti-NATO militarism web portal that was founded in August 2001 and ran until late 2006. The website gained international popularity over the years through covering news about NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe,
  • "Time to back-up?" stellt den sehr reduzierten zweiten Teil der Biennale-Arbeit "IO_lavoro immateriale" von Knowbotic Research dar, die aus zwei in eine graue Wand eingebauten Lautsprecherpaaren und einem CD-Brenner besteht. Man hört die von
  • Located between the home video and the reality show the work (9 minutes) presents a Newyorker Christmas scene focusing on the commerce of toys , a thematic park at Macy´s magazine and the Christmas decoration of street display windows. The
  • This audiovisual composition shows the transformation from old plans of the city transformed into an imaginary map obtained from the convergence of natural structures such as tree branches and a new satellite image of the city. Visual elements are
  • Geolocative performance simultaneously staged in the street and in the theater. The public sits in a tent, on which text messages of an urban passer-by / actor are manipulated by movements of a dancer outside the tent. Surveillance technologies, GPS
  • Geolocative performance simultaneously staged in the street and in the theater. The public sits in a tent, on which text messages of an urban passer-by / actor are manipulated by movements of a dancer outside the tent. Surveillance technologies, GPS
  • Ryota Matsumoto is an artist, writer, and architect based in New York and Tokyo. Born in Tokyo, he was raised in Hong Kong and Japan. He received a Master of Architecture degree from University of Pennsylvania in 2007 after his studies at
  • Echelon -
    This work was made in response to a call by Metamute (London) for Jam Echelon Day 2001. It simply employs all the words stored in the Echelon system in a program that automatically generates texts using whatever dictionary it has available.
  • ... He also runs a radioshow Burgerwaanzin at Radio Patapoe,...
  • Upon the invitation of the Lindisfarne Association and the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City, a concert of audiovisual mathematics/music took place in the Cathedral Church on 17 October, 1992, at about eight o'clock in