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  • Portrait One -
    ... synthesizing the author/model experience into a single image, and after the photographic portrait capturing the instant, the...
  • Tele-Lectures -
    ...e and science. Selected lecture series on “Iconic Turn“, ”Migrating Images“, “Frames of Viewing“, “Mapping“, “Generative Tools“ and “Cordless”...
  • Cheap Imitation -
    ... the several hundred facets that make up the work. The faceted image is projected apporoximately life size (such that the nude is...
  • ... I was always fascinated how Dali became obsessed with this image for a time in the middle 1950s. He went on to paint his own...
  • ... the computer provides, such the computer projector creating an image or the computer web page. It presents a framework naturally...
  • Primitive
    ... with their mathematical perfection by making the archetype the image. The question is unresolved as to what extend the computer can...
  • ...nt on sait, et ce projet tente d’anticiper le phénomène, qu’à l’image de celle qui l’a précédée, elle sera absorbée par l’histoire de l’art qui...
  • Facades - video
    ... spatial dynamics and a first-person perspective. This moving image is accompanied by sound, based on the recording of the text "No...
  • Gogoame -
    ... artist's research about the intersections between words and image, Gogoame implements a physics engine (simulating acceleration,...
  • Their Things Spoken -
    ... and objects in the most neutral possible way, so that every image and statement is equally valid. The DVD-ROM storage medium...