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  • Setting Out -
    Event: Setting OutInstitution: apexartComment:
  • Campos | Temporales -
    150 Media Stream has been curating video installations for its unique architectural setting for over five years, featuring work by Chicago-area and international artists.
  • Ebner, Jorn. Handbook for a Mobile Settlement. Cumbria, UK: Grizedale Publications, 1999.
  • Opus Zero -
    This work explores memory and reinterpretation: a dinner was organized by the artist at his home, and 5 people were invited to take part of it. The conversation that ensued over the dinner table was recorded, and parts of it were re-enacted by the
  • Gulliver's Travels ©1998, C. Sommerer, L. Mignonneau and R. Lopez Gulliver Visitors are inserted with a 3D panorama representing a natural forest. The forest was photographed with 2 analog photographic machines with several shots. The third
  • Grau, Oliver. In das "lebendige" Bild: Die Virtuelle Realität setzt der Kunst neue Spielregeln neue bildende kunst. Zeitschrift für Kunst und Kritik , no. 6 (1997): 28-36.
  • Kunstfrühling 2014 -
    Marcello Mercado Van Gogh Variationen Die Installation setzt sich mit der Beziehung zwischen biologischen, technologischen und künstlerischen Formen auseinander. Mittels eines Systems von Datentransformation und –übersetzung, das in der Erschaffung
  • Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Modeling Emergence of Complexity: the Application of Complex System and Origin of Life Theory to Interactive Art on the Internet In Artificial Life VII - Proceedings of the Seventh International
  • Basanta, Adam and Arne Eigenfeldt. Perceptual Analysis of Gesture Interaction Typologies in Acousmatic Music In Seventh Electroacoustic Music Studies Network Conference, Shanghai: EMS 10, 2010.
  • Kluszczyński, Ryszard W.. The Context is the Message: Interactive Art as a Medium of Communication In ISEA 96 Proceedings: Seventh International Symposium on Electronic Art, edited by Michael B. Roetto, 36-40. Rotterdam: 1997.