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  • ... life to the physic environment. A big wall in front of the visitor replicate a stone or a “veil” betweenthe real world and the virtual world. Shamans beleive on the rock as the limit to talk with the ‘spirits’world. The lighted wall shows metamorphoses from...
  • ... the Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Munich; founder-member of «Otherspace»; work in the field of installation and interactive virtual environments; lives and works in Berlin. source:
  • ...Fleischmann, Monika and Wolfgang Strauss and . Liquid Views In Revue virtuelle - The Virtual Body, edited by Centre Georges Pompidou: 1994.
  • ...Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. Liquid Views In Arte Virtual, edited by Rafael Lozano-HemmerMadrid, ES: Electa Edition, 1994.
  • ...Sculptor's dream: a virtual world, with Donald Blevins, David Smalley, and Noel Zahler. The Fifth Biennial Symposium for Arts and Technology, NewLondon, CT (1995).
  • ... questions on how individuals influences and are influenced by the society. His pieces investigate the relation between the virtual digital world and the physical "real" world. In pieces like Under Influence/Trabsformation and Transformation model 7 the...
  • Blow Up - video
    ...Blow-up is a high resolution interactive display that is designed to fragment a surveillance camera view into 2400 virtual cameras that zoom into the exhibition space in fluid and autonomous motion. Inspired by Antonioni, the piece is intended as a an exercise to...
  • ... by modem through a conventional telephone line. Facing large video screens, the two distant players each shared the same virtual image space. While manipulating their own graphic elements each person was at the same time seeing on the screen in front of...
  • Landscape -
    ... frozen in the air, generating an organic, 3 dimensional grid of the space. The only living element in the animation is the virtual camera, which one moves through the village.
  • Hand Held -
    ... empty space which reveals its contents as you explore it with your hands. Today, we regularly use our hands to navigate virtual commercial, social, political and information spaces and relationships using touchscreens, mice and keyboards. Hands, which...