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  • Shaw, Jeffrey. Interactive Computer Graphics: a Meeting between Artists and Scientists edited by Scientific UN Educational and Cultural Organization, 87-93. Paris: UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Paris, 1999.
  • Organization: Regional Ministry for Culture and Tourism of the Autonomous Government of Extremadura Office for Cultural Heritage. Idea and Concept: Claudia Giannetti. Curators: Claudia Giannetti, Antonio Franco, Peter Weibel. International
  • Event: Archive&Innovate - Brown UniversityInstitution: Electronic Literature OrganizationComment:
  • The theme for ELO 2020 is “(un)continuity”: participants are invited to explore fluidity and nonbinary concepts, including, representation/presentation; categorization; spectra of light, sound, and ultra/infra visible; social organization; unity;
  • Inner Telescope -
    Permanently Closed The Green Lantern Press is a 501c3 arts organization that produces contemporary art exhibitions, art and literary publications, and free public programs that together facilitate a public, multidisciplinary cultural discourse. The
  • Anamorph-Voronoi, is an image-generating software designed to produce aesthetically coherent compositions in 3D volumetric space according to visual rules translated into computer code. Inspired by the historian Jurgis Baltrusaitis’ study of
  • The 2018 ACM SIGGRAPH Distinguished Artist Award for Lifetime Achievement in Digital Art is awarded to Monika Fleischmann, a research artist that has contributed to the field of interactive media art since the 1980s to the present day. She has
  • This essay by former research assistant Isabella Iska at the Center for Image Science, is a tribute to the artist, scholar, professor and permanent driven inventor Charles Csuri (1922-2022), who began creating digital artworks in the 1960s. Today
  • The spatial musical instrument is constructed of old mobile phones donated by people and a MIDI keyboard. Listen the recording of the performance in Estonian Concert Hall. The musician plays the keyboard and the phones ring composing a concert of
  • Bar Code Hotel recycles the ubiquitous symbols found on every consumer product to create an multi-user interface to an unruly virtual environment. The installation makes use of a number of strategies to create a casual, social, multi-person