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  • Third International Conference on the Histories of Media Art, Science and Technology.The next iteration of the Media Art History conference is Re:live which is to be held in Melbourne, Victoria in 2009. The event follows the success of the two
  • EMAF 1998 addressed the structures of a mediatised society shaped by the simultaneousness of different systems. In everyday life, too, we are surrounded by perception situations taking place in parallel, explained the American Pat O’Neill, to whom
  • From 31 October - 28 November 2009, Gallery [DAM]Berlin showed on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the collapse of the Berlin Wall for the first time internationally the large format collages of the artist team T+T, which are based on their
  • Inside the immense flow of data exchange, the new technologies have facilitated an interdependency between the spheres of what is private and what is public, between interior and exterior, leading us to reveal, in an increasingly natural manner, our
  • Paranoid Mirror -
    This piece was inspired by the paintings of Van Eyk and in particular the "Marriage of Arnofini". This piece uses reflection as a means of portraiture and reflected self portraiture. Though obscured and distanced, the artists reflection watches from
  • Digital Queers is a conference at The New School, in collaboration with Goldsmiths and OCR, that will focus on issues related to social justice for the gay community at large. The evolution of society has led to an increased acceptance of the LGBTQA
  • Dangerous Places - Ponar. A 7 Channel Video InstallationArtist: Pam SkeltonComment:
  • Dis-M-Body -
    Dis-M-Body is a multisensory, interactive installation exploring the disembodied nature of information and messages as they dislocate and fracture one's sense of self, while simultaneously expanding one's sense of connection. Our sense of
  • The curators of the 2015 exhibition, Kalle Hamm & Dzamil Kamanger, focused on profiling foreign artists working in Finland and how history is already being written as it is recorded and takes place. The exchange of information is fast and
  • Coventry University dominates in the centre of Coventry, a sprawling campus that is gradually swalllowing more and more formerly public spaces as it builds an academic empire on top of what was once the bustling centre of a large manufacturing town.