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  • Machado, Arlindo and Silvia Laurenitz and Fernando Iazzetta. Panorama de Arte e Tecnologia do Brasil
  • org. Itaulab. Emoção Art.Ficial 3: interface cibernética Encarte: documentário em DVD.
  • org. Itaulab. Emoção Art.Ficial 3: interface cibernética Encarte: documentário em DVD.
  • ITCH
    The ITCH acronym stands for “Interactive Technology – Community Hacking”, and as such it tries to represent a wide artistic research project concerning with the impact of personal mobile technologies on social behavior, particularly in the public
  • Alexander Hahn (b. 1954, Rapperswil, Switzerland) has worked in the analog and digital media arts since 1977, integrating the time-based forms of video with practices of installation, computer imagery, print, animation, virtual reality and writing.
  • Jihyun Kim and Andres Colubri. ITCH. Individual Technology/Community Hacking. Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2010.
  • Jihyun Kim and Andres Colubri. ITCH. Individual Technology/Community Hacking. Heidelberg: Kehrer, 2010.
  • Dildomatic Opera -
    Discovering the secrets of nostalgic "circuit bending" it seems that here the drive immediately sadistic turns of its true purpose. The crushing nature of games against child trying to convert sounds, notes and voice stuttering, screaming,
  • Value of Values (VoV) is a blockchain-based art project. It aims to find out the real, economic value of human values through EEG (Electroencephalography, and biofeedback). VoV is an extension to the acclaimed Brain Factory project. In both,
  • WHEN TRANSACTIONAL AESTHETICS MEET NEURO-DESIGN ON THE BLOCKCHAIN Speculative Speculation on Values Value of Values (VoV) is a blockchain-based art project. It aims to find out the real, economic value of human values through EEG