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  • ...Lights Contacts is an interactive artwork perceptible by two people and more. This sensory installation is tactile, luminous and sonorous. It proposes an original and interactive stagings where spectators’bodies are transformed into real sonorous human instruments. In...
  • ...Thiel, Tamiko. Beyond Manzanar: Creating Dramatic Structure in Ergodic Narratives In Conference Proceedings for Technologies for Interactive Digital Storytelling and Entertainment (TIDSE 2004), edited by Stefan Göbel, 246-251. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer, 2004.
  • ... of science. It concerns especially the character and the status of their field of intervention – the person in cyberspace. Interactive installations of Fleischmann and Strauss didn't propose to its viewers drowning in depths of alternative, separate worlds,...
  • the leap -
    ... mountain wilds. In the installation these functions as condensed symbols of our cultural heritage. The Leap is an interactive, multi-medial installation which uses true-time media in order to artistically reinterpret and re-structure one of the...
  • Close Up - video
    ..."Close-up" is the third piece of the ShadowBox series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows the viewer's shadow revealing hundreds of tiny videos of other people who have recently looked at the work. When a viewer...
  • ...George Legrady has been creating interactive digital media installations and projects since the early 1990's. He is best known for his projects focuses on the classification and visualization of data as in “Pockets Full of Memories” (2001) commissioned by the Centre...
  • ...Search for Simurgh is an immersive, interactive performance installation named for the Persian mythological bird akin to a Phoenix. In Search for Simurgh, the audience will move through a series of chambers as they take an active role in this multi-layered story that...
  • ...Mercury Project combined robotics and archaeology in an interactive art installation. To our knowledge, the Mercury Project was the first system that allowed WWW users to remotely view and alter the real world via tele-robotics. Users excavated artifacts buried in a...
  • ...Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau are internationally renowned media artists working in the field of interactive computer installation. They are Professors at the University of Art and Design in Linz Austria where they head the Department for Interface Culture at...
  • TI -
    ... 2008 Muriel Cooper Prize from the Design Management Institute, the 2005 Prix Ars Electronica Golden Nica award and the 2005 Interactive Design Prize from the Tokyo Type Directors Club. Reas is a Professor of Design Media Arts at the University of...