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  • House -
    “House” by Stanza, is a dynamic public sculpture viewable over the internet. House is not a mute memorial to a related past but a live embodiment of change and renewal. House describes the space, a real Victorian terraced house, in this case, that
  • Jürgen Trautwein is a German born interdisciplinary artist working in a variety of forms, including new media and hypertext web-works, performative temporary interferences, installations, land-art, sound art, animation and classical forms such as
  • Digital Zoetrope -
    Troika was commissioned by onedotzero to create a custom installation and visual identity around the theme of this year’s festival 'Citystates'. Opting to create an installation and identity that integrate into each other, Troika designed a
  • Stolen Life -
    Two concepts have marked 21st century creation, the metaphysical consequence of which is obvious to everyone, despite their apparent differences. The first is the idea that it is the spectator who creates the picture and the second is that the
  • Artists who create interactive systems and artistic interface designs have begun to look for new display possibilities. For this reason façade’s of contemporary buildings have been largely investigated as a sort of membrane for the display of
  • Andrea Zapp, born in Germany, is an internationally exhibiting media artist working across many platforms, such as “Networked Installation Stages”, art installations that are mixing and referencing real, virtual and online spaces; “Media, Miniature
  • Stage performance with three dancers and sixty plastic boxes as scenographic objects, video mapping surfaces, and sound and light sources. Analogy between geopolitics and children's games. Internet found-footage combining images of Syrian refugee
  • The Muse -
    “The Muse” 1990 Featured article by noted curator Maurizio Calvesi on Csuri in Art E Dossier primar Italian Art Magazine. The Muse is an example of Csuri’s later work, combining heavy impasto painting with 3D rendering in a technique called “texture
  • The project “Magic Eye-Dissolving Borders” is based on the dichotomy between a positivistic participatory communication artwork and the awareness that communication per se can be superfluous and vain. “Magic Eye-Dissolving Borders” aims to challenge
  • .. his artistic development between research in the humanities, multi-sensory engineering and collaborative practice in the fields of digital art and theatre ..