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  • Telecommunications event between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo uniting fax and live TV, 1988. Connecting the public medium of television with the private medium of the fax this work created a system of feedback based on the continuous exchange and
  • WRO2000@kultura -
    WRO2000@kultura is a large media art exhibition to be held from November 20th to - December 10th in Wroclaw/Poland. It's key component, the Mediation/Medialization Congress, will take place from November 29th to December 3rd, 2000. The special
  • All you can see -
    With common video formats, almost 17 million different colours can theoretically be represented on the screen today. If these are shown all at once, a condensation in pure white is generated in the digital picture production. Translated into a
  • This version of Heavens Gate uses the original video material of this work, but presents it in a somewhat different viewing situation. By means of digital post-processing this video material has been anamorphically deformed, and is projected onto a
  • Four Imaginary Walls -
    Four Imaginary Walls is an interactive environment controlled by external weather conditions. Sensor devices measure wind speed, light levels and temperature information, which is fed into a computer which synthesises a real-time virtual 3D
  • Audiopad -
    Audiopad is a composition and performance instrument for electronic music which tracks the positions of objects on a tabletop surface and converts their motion into music. One can pull sounds from a giant set of samples, juxtapose archived
  • FLOOR | PISO -
    FLOOR is an interactive interface designed to transfer data of strength and movement in the human-human relation and the human-space time relation. The mode of agencying the FlOOR interface is very simple: you step on one of the two ends of the
  • ... over the world like the ICC...
  • ... one that reflects like a mirror, and another... At the same time, Uršula studies in...
  • In September 1989, for the second time Osnabrück hosted the European Media Art Festival, a forum that aimed to show and create free artistic spaces. Against the backdrop of media history, the intention of EMAF was to critically reflect upon the