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  • NUNES, Fabio Oliveira and Braz BRAZ. CAPTAS: an urban-mobile artistic intervention in Brazil BST: Body, Space and Technology Journal (Brunel University) 11, no. 2 (2013).
  • NUNES, Fabio Oliveira and Braz BRAZ. CAPTAS: an urban-mobile artistic intervention in Brazil BST: Body, Space and Technology Journal (Brunel University) 11, no. 2 (2013).
  • O festival compõe o Simpósio de Arte Contemporânea que acontece desde 2006 na UFSM, realizado pelo Labart e promovido pelo PPGART/UFSM, sob coordenação da Profª. Drª. Nara Cristina Santos. Na esteira do 9º Simpósio de Arte Contemporânea, o FACTORS
  • A performance for cello, grand piano, soprano saxophone, surveillance cameras, live video mixing and projection. Two instruments accompany a silent movie. Hey, it's a living. But slowly they realize that not only are they reacting to the image.
  • Event: Braziers International Film FestivalInstitution: The Wrong BiennaleComment:
  • Earth day impromtu -
    EarthDay Impromptu (1990) was an event organized collaboratively. It included artists Eduardo Kac, Carlos Fadon and Irene Faiguenboim (Chicago) and Bruce Breland of the DAX Group of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, among other artists in
  • In TRANS-E digital technologies provide us with an electronic ritual. Bodies connected by interfaces dialogue with computer electronic memories and can experience "virtual hallucinations" in real time. These "hallucinations" are managed by
  • Environments: Memories, Serpentarium, Village, Terrarium By penetrating in OUROBOROS’ PLACES we experience the poetic existence in memescapes, inhabiting within artificial landscapes no longer made of earth, but of memory units. Interfaces and
  • Cacophony (3 minutes) weaves historic events in the fields of art and the politics. It nears different situations and it presents them visually from the point-of-view of the media, the spectacle, dissolving their contents in a crescent aesthetic &
  • Elastic Fax 1 -
    Elastic Fax I, created by Eduardo Kac, was realized at the Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1991. Artists worldwide were invited to transmit sequences of images to form a self-editing faxfilm. Sequences were added automatically in