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  • ... research, media satire and art installation, all at the same time. Not...
  • ...Interactive net-based multi screen installation Just tell us a headline or your...
  • ...Interactive Net-Based Installation 10'000 moving cities deals with the world of...
  • ...As one of the installation's aesthetic goals is the bodily impression of the...
  • SOLAR -
    ... time-space. Solar is a robotic installation, immersive and...
  • ... well as part of an interactive installation. Part 1 is a grid of...
  • The Unemployed -
    ...The Unemployed is an interactive installation that visualizes worldwide...
  • ...Girl is an immersive interactive narrative installation that allows the viewer to...
  • ... a room-sized field of wind. The installation comprises two devices. The...
  • ... room-sized interactive installation that explored the... five video projections, 12 photographic triggers, and four speakers.