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  • ... place from 6 to 8 pm on January 31 at the Eventi Hotel’s Bar Basque, designed by futurist...
  • Eventmodul::anonymous.databody.muttering addresses the phenomenon of our digital identity. knowbotic...
  • ... as they are responsible for the different events in growing. Since it takes some time for...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... of the puppet cause specific visual events to occur. Most significantly it is the...
  • Dragon - video
    ... was recycled in a number of urban events where people simply carried it through the...
  • ... The film was later used in many events/performances and situations/installations...
  • ... and scientific conferences. e.g. 2009 evento collaterale alla 53. Esposizione...
  • ... participated in various exhibitions and events with his audiovisual projects. Tuğan is...
  • Corpocinema -
    ... projections were made visible by physical events and performed actions that created...
  • Diadrama
    ... the collage of visual and temporal events, and the articulation of various simulated...