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  • Weir: the infrastructure of flowArtist: Tracey M. BensonComment:
  • Basanta, Adam. Tracing Conceptual Structures in Listener Response Studies New York, USA: EMS 11, 2011.
  • Event: George Legrady: TracingInstitution: KAH Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik DeutschlandComment:
  • Event: George Legrady: TracingInstitution: MoCA, Los AngelesComment:
  • A workshop to visualize a flow of information. Participants of the workshop make a line and try to transfer an one-line drawing from body to body. Then the track of the drawings is drawn on pieces of papers. At the end of each sesson, participants
  • The Visual Orchestra -
    The Visual Orchestra (2006/2007, 2 minutes, digital animation with original soundtrack) Using color and form, an original music score comes to life. The Visual Orchestra explores relationships between audio rhythms and visual rhythms through the
  • One million Americans are sorted by political affiliation and exposed to public persecution in the aftermath of the 2012 presidential election. The data was harvested from and recontextualized on, which offers a platform
  • I’m a Digital Artist & Graphic Designer from Cairo,Egypt. Most of my artworks are currently classified as portraits (Digital Portraits). My artwork is a product of improvisation and listening to a music track while working on each piece...
  • House Fire
    Cardiff and Miller have been working collaboratively and individually for two decades. Together the pair achieved international renown with their collaborative works The Dark Pool (1995/96) and Muriel Lake Incident (1999). House Fire is a four and
  • Due to the increasing proliferation of surveillance cameras, we are caught up in an everyday and worldwide “paranoia” of insecurity, what we could call “a society of surveillance”. This project wishes to create a series of “living” robotic cameras