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  • Allen, Rebecca and Bill Brown and Kit Galloway and Ruth E. Iskin and Sherrie Rabinowitz and Alex Singer. Design and Entertainment in the Electronic Age Leonardo 4, no. 4 (1994): 347-351.
  • Paul, Christiane and Sherry Turkle and et al.. Public Voices on Energie Passagen / Energy Passages [].
  • The Artvertiser -
    The Artvertiser is an urban, hand-held Augmented Reality Improved Reality project that re-purposes street advertisements as a surface for exhibiting art. The project was initiated by Julian Oliver in February 2008 and is being developed in
  • Event: Emotion wind, e-Forecast, Political Shife, Tunnels, World SkinInstitution: Wolf Vostell Museum MalpartidaComment:
  • Computer Animation A liquid architecture is an architecture whose form is contingent on the interests of the beholder; it is an architecture that opens to welcome you and closes to defend you; it is an ar chitecture without doors and hallways,
  • Visit-US (2005, 1 minute, digital animation) Visit-US explores the ways in which national border controls have been updated and expanded through the use of digital technology and electronic surveillance. The transition from an emphasis on physical
  • "The Experimental Party" was conceived as an artistic critique of the political process. Based on the model of the political party, an active vehicle for citizens action, the Experimental Party is a shift to experimental thinking, a mediated
  • Electronic technology and surveillance have added a digital dimension to Foucauldian panopticism and expanded the ways in which nations can continually monitor and control visitors’ entry through their borders. This instantaneous access to massive
  • Acryl and marker on paperSeries (12), dim: 66 x 90 cm (each) Drawings in colour that trace microscopic motifs of bodily particles shift conceptually away from the real motif towards the abstract one using form and colour on two levels: colour (the
  • Helen Varley Jamieson is a writer, theatre practitioner and digital artist from New Zealand, based in Germany. She holds a Master of Arts (Research) investigating cyberformance - live performance on the internet – which she has practiced since 1999.