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  • Grenzzaun -
    Installation with 3D printed objects The border between the USA and Mexico is one of the most frequented borders in the world. Its fortifications serve primarily to control migration and the transaction of goods. The wall piece 'Grenzzaun' consists
  • Eduardo Kac -
    Reconocido internacionalmente por sus instalaciones interactivas y por sus trabajos de bio arte, Eduardo Kac explora la fluidez de la posición del sujeto en el mundo postdigital, cuestionando la evolución, la memoria y hasta la condición de la
  • Eduardo Kac -
    curator: Angel Kalenberg Reconocido internacionalmente por sus instalaciones interactivas y por sus trabajos de bio arte, Eduardo Kac explora la fluidez de la posición del sujeto en el mundo postdigital, cuestionando la evolución, la memoria y hasta
  • Lozano-Hemmer, Rafael. The Trace: Remote Insinuated Presence YLEM (September 1997).
  • Gigliotti, Carol. Women and the Aesthetics of New Media trAce, Online Writing Centre (June 2003).
  • Event: Trace(s) - festival des arts numériques : MiragesInstitution: city of bagnols sur cezeComment:
  • With Anna Novakov and Yvonne Senouf I curated TRACE at MoCA Salon in Belgrade, where I also exhibited Study 7/0 (
  • I curated TRACE with Anna Novakov and Yvonne Senouf at Pro Arts gallery, and exhibited Study 7/0 (
  • Dust -
    The work “Dust” bind generative HD video projection with kinetic camera. Since some months I am collecting dust particles on a pice of black plexiglass. Monthly, I photograph the collected set, clean the surface and start from the beginning. The
  • Traces -
    Traces is a project for networked CAVEs (immersive VR spaces). But it is very different in its goals and its nature from any other CAVE or VR project (to the knowledge of the author). The root of the project is a long standing concern over the