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  • Disillusion of a Fish Pond was one of three performances during the exhibition This is no Thing - This is a Situation of Opportunity at the Kingly Street Gallery in London. In this work a naked woman swathed in bandages of cotton-wool was sitting at
  • Glove Screen -
    This work was one of three performances during the exhibition This is no Thing - This is a Situation of Opportunity at the Kingly Street Gallery in London. Viewers could interactively control the inflation and deflation of transculent white surgical
  • Striptease films were projected onto a woman doing a striptease. She struggled to remove her clothes while tightly encapsulated inside an inflatable balloon-costume. When she was naked a masked figure inserted the nozzle of a fire extinguisher and
  • Corpocinema -
    ... until it filled the interior of the dome, thus creating a complex, growing surface on which the image appeared - then the dome...
  • Book Plumbing -
    This was a mixed-media installation using books in various ways, a material which John Latham was using extensively in his artistic practise at this time. One of the centerpieces was a performance using a Penguin bookcase in which all the books were
  • MovieMovie - video
    ... of their respective boundaries. MovieMovie was also a complex and innovative acoustic performance. The Musica Electronica...
  • The film Continuous Sound and Image Moments (1966) was projected onto a live performance of professional female mud wrestlers.
  • Alpevent -
    In the Alpevent white polythene tubing was slowly inflated inside a somewhat confined space. The people there dragged and wove the tubing around their bodies, but expanding plastic gradually pushed many of them out of the room. A further performance
  • ... an image of a daytime sky and clouds was projected onto it, accompanied by clouds of artificial smoke and the amplified sounds of the...
  • Waterquake
    In Waterquake long lengths of tubing were dropped into a canal and then slowly inflated with air and smoke. The tubing emerged from the water, filling the canal and then spilling over into the surrounding streets. The spectators pulled and knotted