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  • Pathway A
    ... de los dadaístas y de los surrealistas. This drawing was...
  • Pathway B
    ... de los dadaístas y de los surrealistas. This drawing was...
  • Pathway 1
    ... de los dadaístas y de los surrealistas. This drawing was...
  • ... among the visitors, the more surrealistic the response.The visitors...
  • ... installation. In the symbolic surroundings of Sylvia Eckermann's...
  • Given
    ... within five chapters of a surrealistic narrative. One character...
  • Metalogue -
    ... is evoked with the curious Surrealistic jumble of elements arrayed...
  • ... what they need in order to survive, but which makes them uniquely...
  • ... the visitor/viewer/listener to surrender to the meditative silence of...
  • ... Exposed (Northern Ireland), Surrey Art Gallery (Canada), A&D...