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  • part of The Need for Art to Change the World symposium convened by Mathieu Copeland
  • Biometric identificationsystems like Irisscanning use mathematical methods to identify personal characteristics. The BiometricSoundEngine works the same way. Personal data like the color information of the human iris is not used for surveillance or
  • A human sized real kaleidoscope creates colorized feedback patterns from faces. Exhibited at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the SIGGRAPH 1988 Art Show in Atlanta.
  • Inter Caetera Divina -
    Throughout the 5-day show, the robot arm drew world maps taken from the time of Columbus up through World War II. The title refers to the 1493 proclamation by Pope Alexander VI that divided the New World between Spain and Portugal.
  • Their Things Spoken -
    Their Things Spoken is the third part of a trilogy which deals with different aspects of memory and visual archetypes in our culture, the first two being Memory Theater (1997) and Things Spoken (1999). Their Things Spoken refers to the gulf
  • "Footprint mapping" is an attempt to create a digital map of streets and public spaces by gathering "footprints" of participants of the project.The artist creates DIY style digital mapping system consisting of cheap pedometer(step meter), digital
  • An expanded and redesigned version of the PFOM installation, initially produced for the Centre Pompidou, Paris, in 2001. The public contributes data about an object in their possession to a database that accumulates throughout the exhibition's
  • Rafael Lozano-Hemmer talks about his exhibition at the MCA. Rafael's show ran from the 16th of December 2011 to the 12th of February 2012.
  • Interactive tea table installation Zone Gallery (Newcastle). Solo show.
  • Post Brands -
    "This is a triptych of three street art pieces that starred in a poster campaign that took place over several years in a number of European cities. The artworks were printed in black and white on wide format paper or stickers and pasted illegally on