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  • Akira, Nakajima. MIC Exploration Space Nihon Kezei Shinbun (May 1996).
  • Kusahara, Machiko. "A-Volve" at ICC Gallery, Tokyo Asahi Shinbun (December 11th 1994).
  • Ohashi, Makihito. Business Wonderland Nihon Kezei Shinbun (January 27th 1996).
  • Naoko, Inagaki. Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau Nihon Kezei Shinbun - Sunday Nikkei (February 11th 1996).
  • Live dance performance with realtime interactive 3D virtual world as stage set. The dance performance "In the Land of Babari-an" is an inner journey in which the dancers, Shinichi Iova-Koga and Ishide Takuya, incorporate their own East/West
  • Much of 20th century society strove to depict 2010 as a shining example of a future framed by technological progress and social harmony. But as 2010 arrived it was clear that global society was neither the utopia nor the dystopia traditionally
  • Oliver, Julian. The Game is Not the Medium ... or "How To Ignore the Shiny Box"? .
  • Twisted Turtle -
    Twisted Turtle is an interpretation of the Korean "Turtle Ship". Commissioned by artist Nam June Paik for a 300 monitor video installation at the Taejon World Expo. (Rebecca Allen)
  • From the curatorial essay by Christina Oyawale and Karina Iskandarsjah: "In this age of instant information and global communication, a key component of the machinery that assembles our 'borderless' world is the global shipping industry. Every year,
  • D'Agostino, Peter and David I. Tafler. Techno/Cultural Identities: From Ships to GigaBits In International Conference on Communication and Mass Media, Athens: ATINER, 2004.