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  • Teardrop
    A large air-inflated teardrop hung from a crane and proclaimed the theme of the festival as well as the Javaphile performance Tearfall.
  • Slapstick
    Inflatable supertube indicating the height of the controversial planned new town hall.
  • ... the reduction to just two colors - black...
  • A computer-programmed lighting installation articulated the neo-classical features of the Felix Meritis building. Transparent acoustic panels allowed the public to listen to music emanating from the walls of the building.
  • Circular-patterned digitizing of the viewers' movements was conjoined with the static recording of a large souvenir reproduction of the Eiffel Tower. The work uses the same image processing software originally developed for Video Narcissus
  • Legible City - video
    The Legible City was first presented in 1988 as wire-frame graphics that were interactively operated by a joystick. This constituted a prototype for later implementations of this work using a bicycle as the viewer interface and more advanced
  • A large steel ball hangs from four cables and motorized pulleys within the atrium of this building. Connected to the center's computer network, anyone working there can interactively program its movement paths.
  • Cube
    An augmented reality apparatus allowed the visitors, when looking through its optical window, to see a rotating computer-generated wire frame cube positioned in the real space of the museum. Further developement of this technology allowed stereo-
  • Interview
  • Jeffrey Shaw. Agnes Hegedues and Bernd Lintermann, 1996