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  • Well, things don't always turn out the way you plan - this project certainly didn't. I learned a couple of things: 1/ Magnetic core memory is very hard to find. 2/ Most people who are interested in magnetic core memory are very
  • There are two structural iterations of this anamorphic sculpture, which present the form of a typical architect’s adjustable drawing table. One is situated in a park and has four independent wooden elements, which only from one particular point of
  • Initially this work was developed as a stereoscopic projection for a concert of the Huelgas Ensemble conducted by Paul van Nevel and performed at Zeitfenster Biennale Alter Musik 2002 in the DaimlerChrysler Building, Berlin. In its later iterations
  • Plasm: Not a Crime -
    "Plasm: not a crime" is the artistic statement of Peter Broadwell and Rob Myers that sharing secrets is not a crime. It used to be that most interactions between people took place face to face. If you had a desire to keep something confidential,
  • "Please Empty Your Pockets," 2010 conveyor belt, Mac mini, HD projectors, HD camera dimensions variable edition of 6, 1 AP "Please Empty your Pockets" is an installation that consists of a conveyor belt with a computerized scanner that records and
  • Transcendence Index -
    The installation consists of the following 2 parts: – a software program which analyzes texts of two periods (1900-1917 and 2000-2017) in order to calculate the index of their transcendence; – a robotic device which cooks 2 borschts (borscht is a
  • The interactive installation CloudBrowsing (2008-09) by Bernd Lintermann, Torsten Belschner, Mahsa Jenabi and Werner A. König is the first work to be shown in ZKM's recently established PanoramaLab. The project lets users experience Web-based
  • As an artery of international trade and a crucial part of the global economy, sea born trade routes are heavily monitored by various technologies that enforce regulations and detect irregular activities. The types of economic activities in question
  • Fly Simulator VR installation ©2018, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer Fly Simulator is a VR software specifically developed for Ars Electronica 2018 and Speculum Artium in Trbovlje. It is a simulation of a few thousand flies that organize
  • Tell Me the Truth -
    Archival Digital Print, Sizes: 8”x10” and 13”x19” Epson Pigment inks on cotton rag substrate or Light Jet digital photo prints. (plus custom sizes or NFT by special order) Date created: 1989 Acevedo's image called Tell Me the Truth had several