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  • This installation is asite-specific work in progress. A colour surveillance camera has been mounted outside the gallery on a computer controlled pan/tilt mechanism, allowing it to see most of the surrounding gardens. Every day since March 28, 2001,
  • Horizon -
    Horizon is a narrative clock made out of images accessed in realtime from webcams found in every time zone around the world. The result is a constantly updating array of images that read like a series of movie storyboards, but also as an
  • Blow Up - video
    Blow-up is a high resolution interactive display that is designed to fragment a surveillance camera view into 2400 virtual cameras that zoom into the exhibition space in fluid and autonomous motion. Inspired by Antonioni, the piece is intended as a
  • Recombinant Figure -
    Digital video installation 1 monitor colour, silent An interactive single monitor work with one computer, using simulated recombinant genetic algorithms. The viewer sees themselves reflected in a maze of mirrors within the work whilst the
  • Variations 504 is an interactive music installation that engages viewers by allowing them to control the music they hear by interacting with the sculpture. It consists of an array of balls, tubes and cubes. By moving the balls, participants can mix
  • Multi-media found object and audio installation. The handsome young god Amor comes only at night under the cover of darkness to lie with his mortal wife, Psyche. To protect her from the wrath of his jealous mother Venus he has Psyche and her family
  • Merging art with technology, conceptual artists George Legrady and Angus Forbes have transformed ubiquitous and often annoying cell phones into paint brushes for the 21st century. Their new multimedia video installation "Cell Tango" at Wellesley
  • Harwood started out as an artist during the 1980s. He was involved with publishing initiatives such as the Working Press (books by and about working class culture); Underground newspaper (a London-based free newspaper aimed at promoting and
  • The Geo Quick Response project proposes to modify and question the representations of the geopark landscape, and also aims at making visitors aware of the more global problems raised by this landscape. By having visitors to interact with the work
  • Bloom
    Bloom is an internet-based Earthwork that transforms seismic data into an exhuberant display of color. A seismometer at the Hayward Fault continuously measures the Earth's motion and transmits this data over the Internet to the installation, where